High Five for Friday. #h54f

1. I’ve just been really into this song this week.
2. We made vision boards in small group this week. My word for the year is “fight.” My goal is to learn how to fight for the things that are important to me instead of letting life sort of take over. And to learn how to put on the full armor of God. I want to fight for bigs things this year.
3. Presents are always fun.
4. Love Abby. We were wearing reverse matching outfits.
5. Sushi with the Dolls. Always down for a group pic. Also- it’s an addiction. So much sushiiii

Honorable mention goes to Christina. But I’ve been trying to take less creeper pictures of her. Ha

That was my week! This week is going to be busy- I can feel it! Some days, most days, I feel like I have twenty tabs open in my brain and I can’t shut any of them! I can hear Lori’s voice telling me to learn how to rest. Maybe that can be a goal too- fight for balance.

Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth’s High Five for Friday!

High Five for Friday! #H54F

This has been a great week….even if it meant saying goodbye to dear friends Jen & Clark. Jen and I kicked off our friendship because I asked her to join my financial support team when I was working for Chi Alpha……after she had just quit her job. Haha We met at D’lish and just chatted for hours… And we’ve been friends since. Jen & Abby have been such huge answers to prayer in my life and it’s really hard to see Jen leave. But- it’s for the best and it’s very bittersweet. I celebrate this new season they are stepping into, but it sucks for Team Tissue. (That’s what Abby and I call ourselves because we’re ALWAYS crying.) Okay I’m getting ahead of myself…. Here are my top 5 of the week.


1. Jen & Clark going away coffee. We threw together a last minute coffee get together at Lux so people could say goodbye to these fabulous people. I had never been to Lux- it’s awesome! I weirdly didn’t have coffee but their Mac & Cheese was a awesome….mostly because it had bacon & jalapeƱo.

2. Frozen. Betsy is in a wedding tomorrow (Congrats Larissa & Herman!) so she is in town for a few days. Mag, Bets, Candi, and I went to see Frozen. I cried literally the whole time……. It’s so good. Who ever wrote it HAS to know Jesus! It says so much about being honest about your feelings. It shows how hiding only hurts those around us. It shows that when we think we are protecting other from our burdens, we’re really hurting them! It says when we embrace freedom, it allows others to be free. It’s says true love can melt a hardened heart! Yes- I got all of this from a Disney movie.

3. Sushi with the dolls. I actually had sushi 2 nights in a row. I’m probably going to get mercury poisoning…or whatever you get from sushi. It’s so fun to go with friends. I wish everyone worked with people as fabulous as I work with!

4. Raisin Town! It’s so fun to hang out with Rae while she’s in town! We were able to grab breakfast at Snooze. They just opened an Arizona location- and it’s so so so good! (There’s on in San Diego and Denver!)

5. Busted out the new boots! I got these new boots after Christmas and I was so nervous to wear them! But I actually love them and I’m so glad I took the risk!

That’s my week- lots of time with great friends. Life in the fab lane…… it’s great.

Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth’s High Five for Friday!