a quote

Oh what a weekend it has been! I’ve been at a gathering of West Coast Chi Alpha leaders in Torrence, CA. (So fun! So exciting! So inspiring!) Now, we get the chance to spend some time with AZ Chi Alpha leaders. A whole big long update is coming, but for now- I leave you with a quote from last night:


“Obedience is doing exactly what I’m told to do and doing it quickly because I love you.”


I love the Olympics! I love competition & I love the USA- so this is a no brainer. Here a are a handful of things I’ve found across the internet about Olympic-y things.

1) 8 month Pregnant Woman competes for Malaysia’s 1st Gold Medal

Nur Suryani Mohamad Taibi will also be the 1st woman competing in Olympic Shooting for Malaysia. ISN’T THAT NUTS?!

Read about her here. Also, this year almost every country represented will be sending a woman. #finally

2) Healthy Lifestyle Changes Anyone Can Make

I thought Taylor @ Our Military Home offered some really practical advice for getting healthy. Maybe this could be the start of your Olympic Career! Read the article here.

3) Olympics, Performance, & Rest, an interview from Bethel Church with 2 Olympians.

I listened to this interview/sermon on the treadmill yesterday and was SUPER inspired. Ryan Hall is an Olympic Marathon Runner who runs 100 miles a week. His wife, Sara, is a short distance runner. They have a desire to use their gift of running to help people. I was SO BLESSED listening to this! HIGHLY recommend! It’s about so much more than running- there were about a million spiritual parallels. You can listen/download here. (PS If you listen- Sara is competing TONIGHT in the trials!)

4) Olympic Trivia

I love trivia- here’s a short video with some fun facts.


xox & red, white & blue!

Katie Cannon


My sisters were moving this weekend and that took lots of time. Well lots of time for them…I was there. Haha

Friday morning meant photos for new prayer cards! Jennifer Jones is a photo genius/miracle worker and coached me into some not-so-awkward poses.Shawn & Candi took cute family photos too!

I can’t wait to see how the photos come out! I took a few by this mailbox thing.

Then, I hung out with Bets while she brought some things over to her apt.  I came home and Carly was babysitting.  We discussed life, and politics, and…watched Mulan.  Yes- I spend my Friday nights watching Disney movies.

Saturday morning I went to Hot Power Yoga at Yahweh Yoga., a Christian Yoga studio in Chandler. I’m going to write a whole thing about hot yoga & Christian yoga- but let me tell you, it was awesome! The verse for the class was Deuteronomy 4:31: “For the LORD your God is a merciful God. He will not leave you or destroy you or forget the covenant with your fathers that he swore to them.” It is so sweaty, but so good.  My skin feels AMAZING after I take this class & it’s a huge challenge.

I came home, did some work, and then on to moving day! Again, I was there, but I spent a good amount of the afternoon laying on the carpet discussing church with Katjriana. A huge dust storm blew through mid-move but I managed to bring the Christmas tree over.  So many people came out to help- a true testament to community! Real friends help people move!

The boys had all of there big stuff moved in no time! People hung out for a while and we discussed things like: how to hack a Coke machine and if you could feel pressure from the other 2 floors when you were on the first floor. Then we started discussing a hypothetical situation: if you lived in a country where you had to get a tattoo of your choosing OR go to jail indefinitely and get your toenails ripped out, what tattoo would you get? One person almost went and got a tattoo. Hahaha (Don’t worry mom! No one got one!)

Sunday I had the pleasure of going to Desert Springs Church, Apache Junction campus. Loren and Sandra, the pastors there, are the sweetest people on the planet.  The way they love and serve people is remarkable.  Loren spoke on Matthew 5:11- “”Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.” He brought a great word about standing up for your faith no matter the setting or the consequences.  I even ran into Paige’s parents there- it was so nice to see some familiar faces!

I was so glad we got to catch up and see what was going on at their church! If you are looking/know someone looking for a church in AJ/East Mesa- send them there! Sandra & Loren will take care of them!

That night, Mag made a DELICIOUS dinner of Baked Mac & Cheese.  Jen & Abby came over and we were pretty much dying of laughter the whole time.  We had this cute cake!


Then I had to scoot home to catch the SEASON FINALE OF THE BACHELORETTE.  Mostly, I thought her outfit choices were….unfortunate (that was just for you Andrea!). Exhibit A:

I also thought it was WAY ANTICLIMACTIC because she picked Jef BEFORE the final rose ceremony! If you’ve ever watched the Bachelor/Bachelorette, YOU KNOW IT’S ALL ABOUT THE ROSE CEREMONY! However, it was all made better when Candi made some delish treats and we talked about the gift of tongues during the commercials. Haha


That was my weekend in a nutshell- how was yours?!


I realized that school is right around the corner! ASU starts in approxamatly 30 days! That means even less time until I’m inviting, contacting, partying with, and inviting (said that 2x on purpose) new students to Chi Alpha! Whoa!

With that, I thought today’s Tunes could have a summer theme, starting with the obvious choice: Summer Girls by LFO. At the heart, this song is about a poor young man with a stomach that can’t handle Chinese food and enjoys 90s TV but is in love with a girl, kind of. Sigh…..summer love.


There’s also the classic”Summertime” from Will Smith and DJ Jazzy Jeff.


Do you have a song that reminds you of summer? Let me know! I’m a sucker for a good summer jam!


PS: I also remember Sisqo’s “Thong Song” being a very popular summer song.  I’m not posting it for (hopefully) obvious reasons. But please read these comments from the song’s youtube page.


Four Corners of the Internet v4

1. Shwings

I read about these on Kandee Johnson’s blog. They are these adorable wings you add to your shoes! I know that they are semi pointless, but aren’t they kind of fun? You can buy them here for about $7.

2. Friends of a Certain Age

Why is it Hard to Make Friends Over 30?

I saw a few sassy ladies post this article from the New York Times on fb, and it’s an interesting read for those post college.

3. @Cheesecasadia

A HI- LARIOUS twitter sent to me by Miss Abby. Seriously. Simply put, their bio says “I Retweet Stupid People.) .Follow them now

4. This weirdo photo of a terrible tattoo

(It may be border line offensive, so it’s after the jump.)

Continue reading “Four Corners of the Internet v4”


1. Froyo with Abbylicious

Is there something about froyo that just means fun + good conversation + great? I love hanging out with Abby. She is just a fun person to be around. Also we had this really bonding experience with the other customers over this lady who decided to bring her DOG into the FROYO PLACE! (I still can’t believe her!)

2. Sbux with Miss Rachael

Rachael is one of those people who I feel so comfortable around.  I had the pleasure of having coffee with her on Thursday after not seeingher for probably 2 years. I know she isn’t going to judge me and is also going to have a well thought out opinion on realty TV. We live close now so I hope this is the beginning of lots more fun.

3. Pogo Pass!

Ok if you are living in AZ- YOU NEED ONE! My sisters & I have them (Thanks, Mag!) and we planned our first few outings.  If you use the code 12SharePogo, you can get one for $29. (This isn’t a referral thing- I’m giving you the code out of the goodness of my heart.) The pass gets you into a handful of Diamond Backs games, ASU Athletics, the Zoo, Big Surf, and more! For $29! Like you get to do all of that stuff! What a deal! Oh and paintball & laser tag & Jump Street! Let me know if you get one, and we can go together!

4. A Post Card from a friend!

Oh Miss Genevra- you are awesome! I love getting mail and this was  a hilarious & heartfelt postcard! Also- Jenni is raising support to do her Chi Alpha internship at University of Virginia! If you want to throw some $$’s her way, you can give to her here. Trust me- it’s a good investment.

5. Finding this video

It’s like embarrassing how similar this is to my life/how I talk

[youtube http://youtu.be/xE6P_wn46L0]

Happy Friday! Next week looks like it’s going to be a fun week! My parents are coming to town & I’m also heading to CA! Yay Weekend!

Linking up with





I think that your google search results are very revealing.  I like to share those on instagram, usually. (katiecannonnn).  Lately they have been more embarrassing/too boring so I haven’t been sharing. I do think it’s hilarious what YouTube seems to think that I am interested in.

What does it say about me that YouTube recommended:

7 Worship videos (Bethel, IHOP, & The Torwalts)

3 Beauty Tutorials (I love Katie from The Small Things blog.)

1 Interview with Anna Wintour (Major. part 2- if you haven’t seen The September Issue by now….you should.  You have no excuse. It’s on Netflix.)

1 Drake song (OMG. Love. Jimmy. Wonderful. Marry me.)

1 Kardashian interview. (I don’t care what you say- I love them and I will not apologize.)

1 Funny “People Say” video.


This may be a better biography than I could ever write for myself. I will leave it at that.



There are many things that stress me out. Here is a small list:

1. Tom & Jerry Cartoons. 

Or really any cartoon where someone gets repeatedly hurt/destroys things

2. That scene from Meet The Parents where he sets the house on fire

Again, destruction is very stressful to me

3. When someone on a show/movie sings a touching solo and is nervous

This one is hard to explain.  In many shows from my youth, there comes an episode where  a character needs to preform in a talent show or burger shack opening. I feel nervous for them and awkward and…ahh it’s the worst.

4. When Lauren ruins her dress in Paris

On the best show in the universe, The Hills, Lauren is interning for Teen Vouge.  She gets a second chance to go to Paris (don’t even get me started on the first time…) and is given a designer gown to wear. SHE RUINS THE GOWN WITH A CURLING IRON! I realize this was probably set up by producers…but STILL!


Betsy and I have had many discussions about the casting decisions for this commercial.  I should probably write a whole post about it. Like were they TRYING to cast some one who was awkward/dorky/relatable? I feel like this girl still goes to band camp and wears tshirts with rubiks cubes on them from Kohls or something. (Sorry if that was way harsh).  The worst part is at the very end where she does the squinty-smile-hello. SO AWK & STRESSFUL!

6. When the car goes through the window at the end of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.

Cameron is going to get in HUGE trouble! AHHHHHH! STRESS!

7. Animals

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again… they are unpredictable and they breath on you. Terrifying.


That is all for now…many many more to come…


I don’t know if you’ve ever been charged with the task of being a DJ- but it’s pretty much the hardest thing in the world.  You should have to get a PHD to be a DJ. If it was up to me, I would play the same worship CD from 2002, the Backstreet Boys, & the Spice Girls on repeat.

Shawn & Candi, however, are amazing at picking out music.  They always have good music playing at their house.  “In Christ Alone” came on the other day and it brought back a flood of memories- about being a freshman in college and not being able to hold back tears in a worship service.  It reminded me of my dear, dear friend Angela who played an old piano in a small chapel on campus for our Chi Alpha gatherings with great passion.

This week’s song of the week is “In Christ Alone.”

I love this song.  It’s such a great depiction of the loving message of the Gospel. We were sinners, Jesus died for us, now we get to live with Him forever.

Give it a listen…..



Check out my July newsletter, complete with a trivia question!

Watch this video about ASU Chi Alpha too…consider it a bonus. And a real life look into what ministry on a college campus is like:

Woowooo!!!! I get so excited after watching that! Jesus is real and for real people!