TEDxTalk: How to Use a Paper Towel

I’m not so sure about his 12 shakes technique, but I am guilty of using 624792378423 paper towels. My favorite part of this whole thing is the bio they wrote for this dude on the website:   “Joe Smith is an active figure in the Oregon community and a powerful advocate for proper paper towel use.” [Emphasis on the crazy is mine]. What a thing to be passionate about! AGAIN THIS GUY’S CLAIM TO FAME IS BEING A PAPER. TOWEL. ADVOCATE.

His bio also includes that he “once famously ran for the position of Oregon Attorney General without soliciting a single contribution over $99.99.”

Will you now be a shaker and a folder? Or do you prefer a blow dry method?


me talking about something ridiculous…as documented by people’s facial expressions

In campus ministry, I’m constantly in social situations- and awkward convos can be par for the course. Here’s an actual conversation I had once:

Overly Excited Me: HI! IM KATIE! OMG WHAT’S YOUR NAME?!?!!!!!!!!!!
Student: Rachel.*
Student: Math.

*Name changed to protect the innocent.

But I thought- hey, we are all in lots of social places- whether that’s the gym, preschool pick up time, church… I thought I’d share a few of my favorite tips for surviving any social situation….


a fairytale birthday!

My fabulous friend Yarly had a Fairy Tale Birthday Party! If you know anything about me, it should be that I LOVE THEME PARTIES! This one was especially easy to pull a costume together for…I was some weird version of a fairy.  Mostly I felt like a messed up version of Real Housewife Kim Zolciak. Photo for those of you who don’t watch Real Housewives of Atlanta, or as I like to call it “The best show on TV.” She’s known for her heinous blonde wigs.

Continue reading “a fairytale birthday!”


Apparently Animal Planet is doing “Monster Week” this week. I say “apparently” because I don’t have a TV and/or cable and/or I’m amish. I did learn via the Relevant Podcast (sorry..I’m obsessed!) that Animal Planet is doing a show exculsively on MERAPES. This is a theory that the legend of the mermaid came from a species of aquatic apes. As an avid fan of Ariel and also weird things, I WAS FACINATED! You can read an article about it here.

Researching this (aka googling it) also landed me on a website called the “Merforum” which includes a really extensive FAQ about how to create your own mermaid tail. What is the “Mermaiding Community” you ask? According to the website: “The mermaiding community for which this board exists is a groups of people of both genders from all over the world that are enthusiastic about mermaids and mermen, often with an interest in swimming in costumes to indulge in the fantasy. It represents a pretty obscure and eccentric hobby, so its emergence had depended largely on the growing accessibility of the internet.”

This is why I love the internet. I promise you if you find yourself in an awkward silence over coffee, bring this up & you’re sure to start a memorable conversation. You’re welcome.

Extremely creepy image via.

high five for friday

1. The blog “The Big Picture” features photos from one of the poorest counties in the USA. It’s in Appalacia. I think it’s super interesting. Probably has something to do with my facination of obscure people groups/interests.  One guy lives with out electricity and running water.

2. My first Neopolitan shake from In-n-Out! OH_EM_YUM

3. Last night’s jewelry party… so much fun!

4. Chocolate milk! I’ve been really into chocolate milk this week. It reminds me of my dad taking me & my sisters to get donuts when we were little.

5. This adorable duck! It’s also like one of my most “liked”  photos on Instagram. My mom was making fun of me and saying it was “almost  viral.” Does your mom know what “viral” means? Yeah..didn’t think so!

I’m linking up with From My Gray Desk for High Five for Friday!

jewelry party!

Last night, I hosted a Premier Desgins Jewelry party benifiting XA’s Summer Expedition Trip!

A group of students from UC Davis Chi Alpha is traveling to a far away land to do kids camps, love people, and share some Good News. My fabulous friend Erica from church is an independent consultant and offered to donate a portion of the proceeds to the trip! If you feel so moved, you can give to the trip here. Put “Summer Expedition” in the subject.

It was a fun night full of bling & treats. Now, I’m not a cool Mom blogger but I was pretty proud of the way everything came together. Someone even said “What- did you pull all this stuff off of Pinterest?” Ha- No…just my brain, Google, and a tight budget. Here’s the break down:

Continue reading “jewelry party!”