Think Less. Risk More.

Today, Cailey gave us the opportunity to set an intention for 2016 at The Madison Tempe & put it on the tree. After sweating my life away through class, I decided on one:

Think Less. Risk More.

Now, I love a good plan. I love pre-Yelping every new neighborhood I end up in. I think plans are good- but sometimes I don’t do things because I spend so much time THINKING about possible outcomes. I can talk a good game- but what actions am I taking?

Here’s a small example (and a risk to share publicly): I follow this choreographer on Instagram. I secretly really want to take one of his classes. He teaches literally less than a block from where I live. But why haven’t I done it? Fear. And a swirl of over thinking. “Is it even appropriate to go if I have no skill?” “Will I be put on the spot?” “What do the cool kids wear??”

But I’ve resolved to take the risk and take his class this year. (I’m sure it will make it to the blog.) And now you can all hold me accountable.

With my new Facebook page, goals I’ve set for my blog, & plans for new ventures there is so much opportunity for risk in 2016. Risk means growth. I’m ready for all that comes with that! I hope you are too!


PS: Remember when I did the Summer of Risks? This is sort of that but 2.0.

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