Annnnnd I’m back with High Five For Friday! I got hit with back to back sickness and general life craziness, but this has been a good week and there is lots to share!


1. Gigi’s Cupcake. I am enjoying this little beauty right now! A cupcake fairy by the name of KATJRIANA (respect the J) dropped it off at my house! Scrumptious! (Gigi’s has yummy cupcakes! Check them out!)

2. Sick Treats. I looked like a crazy person when I walked up to the check out stand at Walmart, but I got a random mix of sick food. For whatever reason I was craving almond butter & grahms. It made me feel better. At least psychologically.

3. This little girl. She is my four year old friend, and I’m just so thankful for her! She’s a ray of sunshine in my life! An excellent artist, a dancer, a laugher, and a princess lover- Aves is my girl!

4. Small Group! Really thankful for this group of girls, for the friendships that will develop. Plus- who doesn’t love a good baked potato bar?!

5. Pizza with a new friend. Thankful (see a trend?! ha) for a new & inspiring friend to share pizza and laughs with! Plus, Spinatto’s is SO GOOD. You should go.

Food & thankfulness- I’d say those are qualities of a great week! This is a BIG WEEKEND for me- super busy! XA is helping out a carnival for disabled people, we’re hosting the first ever XA Sisterhood Night, AND we’re going to Cowboy Church on Sunday! Wow! I am excited for a great weekend!


Katie Cannon

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